
2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide: What’s New and What to Expect

Wizards of the Coast shared more info about the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide in a new video on the official YouTube channel. The book will bring a mix of expanded content, updates, and some new features. This release, part of the revised core rulebooks for the 50th anniversary of D&D, aims to build on the 2014 version with additions based on feedback from the community. Here’s a look at what was revealed in the video.

One of the goals for the new DMG, according to Wizards, is to improve the accessibility of information within the book. The layout has been revised to help Dungeon Masters find the sections they need more easily. The book has also been expanded, with more pages dedicated to advice on adventure and campaign creation, as well as tools for running games.

New Sample Adventures and Campaign Setting

One of the major additions in the 2024 DMG is the inclusion of five sample adventures and a complete campaign setting. This marks the first time a DMG has included a full campaign setting, which could help newer DMs by offering a ready-to-use world. The setting chosen is the classic Greyhawk, one of D&D’s earliest campaign settings, known for its rich lore and iconic characters. The book provides a starting point in the City of Greyhawk and extends outwards to the surrounding regions. However, it’s presented in a deliberately skeletal format, meaning DMs will need to flesh out the details on their own, in line with the original 1980s Greyhawk products.

The inclusion of these sample adventures, alongside an appendix of reusable maps, is a significant shift from the 2014 DMG, which focused more on advice than ready-to-play content. This could be a positive step for new DMs, though it remains to be seen whether these simplified adventure formats will appeal to more experienced DMs or those seeking more complex narrative tools.

The Bastions System: A New Layer of Gameplay

A completely new addition is the Bastions system, which allows players to build and manage strongholds. Starting at level 5, players can create their own home base, issuing orders, recruiting inhabitants, and harvesting resources. Wizards says this feature draws from older editions of D&D, where strongholds were a part of high-level play, but here, the concept is introduced earlier in the game. Bastions are designed to function independently from the characters’ adventuring, providing a place for narrative development while characters continue exploring the world.

Expanded Tools for Adventure and Campaign Creation

The new DMG includes a greatly expanded section dedicated to creating adventures, which is paired with the aforementioned sample adventures to help DMs visualize their own story-building process. The book provides adventure hooks and advice tables sorted by levels, which could make it easier for DMs to construct balanced and varied adventures for different tiers of play.

In terms of campaign building, the revised campaign setting chapter has been moved later in the book, with an emphasis on giving DMs tools to build campaigns once they have a solid grasp of running the game.

Updated Magic Items and Treasure

Magic items continue to have a significant presence in the DMG, and this edition aims to broaden the variety of items available. Wizards has added more common magic items and updated the art for many items, including nostalgic ones from older editions. Notably, items used by characters from the 1980s D&D cartoon, like Hank’s Energy Bow and Diana’s Quarterstaff, are included.

For DMs looking to craft magic items within the game, the magic item crafting rules have been expanded. While the 2014 edition offered basic rules, the new DMG promises to provide a more comprehensive guide for crafting items with your DM’s approval.

Lore Glossary and Expanded Multiverse

The lore glossary is a new feature, offering a quick reference guide to D&D’s most iconic characters, locations, and materials. This includes entries on classic figures like Tasha, Mordenkainen, and Iuz, as well as lesser-known but significant figures from various editions of D&D.

The multiverse remains a core part of the D&D experience, and the new DMG includes a chapter on the cosmology of D&D’s various planes of existence. This section expands on how different settings and planes fit together.

To assist with gameplay, the DMG will also include tracking sheets for DMs to use during campaigns. These sheets cover a variety of in-game needs, such as tracking NPCs, settlements, and major campaign events.