Clank! Legacy Acquisitions Incorporated Upper Management Pack Coming Soon
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Clank! Legacy Acquisitions Incorporated Upper Management Pack Coming Soon

For those that are fans of Clank!, you’ll be excited to hear about the Clank! Legacy Acquisitions Incorporated Upper Management Pack. There’s new heroes to play as in the game, as well as unique starting decks for each. No longer just having all the exact same starting gear, you can differentiate yourself right off the…

Renegade Game Studios Taking Pre-orders For Time Chase

Renegade Game Studios Taking Pre-orders For Time Chase

I think all of us wish we could control time. We could speed up the things we don’t want to do and slow down the things we’re enjoying. You could even bounce around to different places in time. And that’s what you’ll do in Time Chase, in a way. It’s a trick-taking game where you…

Gloom of Thrones Coming to Kickstarter
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Gloom of Thrones Coming to Kickstarter

You’ve played Gloom. You’ve watched Game of Thrones. You’ve probably thought about how, with all the tragedy in the show (or book series, I know you’re out there, too), that it’d make a great base for a Gloom set. Well, next week, you’ll be getting just that. Or, at least, the Kickstarter for just that,…

No More MSRP For Magic: The Gathering
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No More MSRP For Magic: The Gathering

I know we don’t usually cover Magic: The Gathering or other CCGs/LCGs here on TGN, but when the story is this big, it’s worth mentioning. Wizards of the Coast has decided that they will no longer have an MSRP for Magic: The Gathering cards. From the announcement: Starting with War of the Spark and moving…

Z-Man Games Announces New Edition of Love Letter

Z-Man Games Announces New Edition of Love Letter

Love is in the air everywhere that you go. Many of you exchanged love notes yesterday with your significant other(s). Soon, Z-Man Games will be doing that as well with a new edition of the classic, Love Letter. From the announcement: The countess knocked gently on the door of the Princess’s chambers. “Your Highness, I…

Fantasy Flight Games Announces New KeyForge Expansion

Fantasy Flight Games Announces New KeyForge Expansion

KeyForge was the first card game to have entirely unique decks. No two in the world were alike. The deck you have is not the same as the one your friends have. Now, even more unique decks will be hitting shelves, as Fantasy Flight has announced Age of Ascension, the first expansion set for the…

Asmodee Announces Nosedive Card Game

Asmodee Announces Nosedive Card Game

Black Mirror is this generation’s Twilight Zone. It gives us worlds that seem pretty normal, but then there’s always something sinister lurking just below the surface. In the episode Nosedive, people look to create a perfect social life while avoiding “dings” to their reputation. Now, Asmodee will be releasing a card game that mimics the episode….

La Mancha: The Card Game Up On Kickstarter
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La Mancha: The Card Game Up On Kickstarter

While not everyone may know the name Don Quixote (or even really how to pronounce Quixote correctly), you’ve probably heard about Spaniards attacking windmills. Don’s the one that did that in the classic book by Miguel de Cervantes (no, not the same guy from Soul Calibur). Now, you can recreate those epic tales for yourself…

Fantasy Flight Previews Monsters in Arkham Horror 3rd Edition
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Fantasy Flight Previews Monsters in Arkham Horror 3rd Edition

The Year of New Editions continues along into its last quarter. Still plenty of time to check out how games you love have been updated. In this post, we get a look at the monsters and combat coming in the 3rd edition of Arkham Horror. What sort of digusting otherworldly creatures will you be fighting?…

Cryptozoic Announces DC Deck-Building Game: Crisis Expansion Pack 4
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Cryptozoic Announces DC Deck-Building Game: Crisis Expansion Pack 4

Those of you that are up in Indy get a chance to pick up the newest releases before the rest of us do. Those that stop by the Cryptozoic booth, for example, have a chance to get the DC Deck-Building Game‘s latest pack, the Crisis Expansion Pack 4. It adds new cooperative play, as well…