For the Dungeon! RPG Up On Kickstarter
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For the Dungeon! RPG Up On Kickstarter

You’re just hanging out with your buddies at work. You’ve got things going well. When some group of murder-hobos come in and start stabbing everyone! How rude! Sure, you might be a minion of an evil entity, but still, that’s just mean. Best to create a good defense. That’s what you’ll be doing in For…

Ultimate Character Compendium for RPGs Up On Kickstarter
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Ultimate Character Compendium for RPGs Up On Kickstarter

When you’re the GM, you’ve gotta come up with everything else in the world that doesn’t consist of the party memebers. That’s tough. There’s guides out there that can help you with NPCs in the world. But they give you, what? 20? 30? Maybe 100 characters? That’s nothing. The Ultimate Character Compendium gives you over…

Lancer RPG Coming Soon to Kickstarter
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Lancer RPG Coming Soon to Kickstarter

Giant robot alert! We have giant robot alert! <whoop! whoop! whoop!> Lancer is a new sci-fi rpg coming to Kickstarter next month where players take on the role of mech pilots in the future, having to deal with all the various things that come with that (usually pretty war-based things, being mechs and all). There’s…

Welcome to Tikor Setting Book for Swordsfall RPG Up On Kickstarter
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Welcome to Tikor Setting Book for Swordsfall RPG Up On Kickstarter

Coming up with a world as a GM is really tough. There’s about a million things to try and figure out, and it can all get very complex very fast. It’s much easier to leave that to someone else and then bask in their creativity as you take your adventurers around. Welcome to Tikor is…

Monte Cook running Arcana of the Ancients Science-Fantasy Setting Book Kickstarter
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Monte Cook running Arcana of the Ancients Science-Fantasy Setting Book Kickstarter

Monte Cook Games is looking to bring some giant robots to your fantasy RPG games, and I’m 100% ok with that. They’re running a Kickstarter for Arcana of the Ancients, a science-fantasy book in the style of Numenera, over to 5th Edition. From the campaign: In the misty recesses of time, before the kingdoms and…

Justice Velocity RPG Coming to Kickstarter
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Justice Velocity RPG Coming to Kickstarter

Who wouldn’t want to be an action hero? The pecs. The cars. The explosions. While real-life might not be as thrilling as the movies, Justice Velocity lets you live vicariously through an RPG. The game will be coming to Kickstarter next month. From the website: Justice Velocity is a tabletop roleplaying game based on the action…

La Mancha: The Card Game Up On Kickstarter
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La Mancha: The Card Game Up On Kickstarter

While not everyone may know the name Don Quixote (or even really how to pronounce Quixote correctly), you’ve probably heard about Spaniards attacking windmills. Don’s the one that did that in the classic book by Miguel de Cervantes (no, not the same guy from Soul Calibur). Now, you can recreate those epic tales for yourself…

Funforge Running Monumental Board Game Kickstarter
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Funforge Running Monumental Board Game Kickstarter

Funforge is running a Monumental Kickstarter campaign. That describes both the name of the game as well as is an accurate description of what the game encompasses. It’s not just your standard 4x civilization board game, but it also brings in deck-building mechanics as well. If there’s a mechanic you like in those types of…

Nexus Arena Combat Board Game Up On Kickstarter
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Nexus Arena Combat Board Game Up On Kickstarter

Two warriors enter. One warrior leaves… … maybe. In Nexus, two gladiators are locked in life-or-death combat. However, it’s not just some sandy pit they’ve been tossed into. This arena is alive and it’s not going to make things easy for either combatant. With traps, snares, pits, and all manner of horrific things that can…

Zombie Doctor & The Classic Horror Expansion Pack Up On Kickstarter
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Zombie Doctor & The Classic Horror Expansion Pack Up On Kickstarter

Zombies might be a pretty classic horror monster, but there are plenty of other horrible and terrifying creatures out there. Dracula, the Mummy, the Invisible Man. They’re looking to join in on the fun of Zombie Doctor, and that’s just what you get in the Classic Horror Expansion. Both the main game and the new…