Immortal Kings Miniatures Game Up On Kickstarter
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Immortal Kings Miniatures Game Up On Kickstarter

As you long-time readers know, I love big minis (and I cannot lie), especially if they’re robots or armored suits. Well, it seems a game has come along made just for me. It’s called Immortal Kings, and it’s a miniatures game that uses a larger scale for its figures, giving you more detail and differences…

Imaginarium Board Game Up On Kickstarter
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Imaginarium Board Game Up On Kickstarter

Think of the things you can build in your dreams. The possibilities of fantastic creations unknown of before. Now, make those dreams a reality. That’s what you’ll be doing in Imaginarium, a new board game that’s up on Kickstarter. Create, fix, and dismantle wondrous machines in an effort to create ever-bigger and better creations. The…

Saber & Blood Board Game Up On Kickstarter
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Saber & Blood Board Game Up On Kickstarter

Central Europe. 1600s. The different states within the Holy Roman Empire are regularly fighting against one-another. There’s plenty of opportunity for those that want to make war their business to ply their trade. That’s where you find yourself in Saber & Blood, a new card-driven board game that’s up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign:…

Nagual Meso-American Giant Robot RPG Up On Kickstarter
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Nagual Meso-American Giant Robot RPG Up On Kickstarter

I love when I see a new twist on a theme. We’ve seen giant robots before. We’ve seen alien invasions before. But normally, that sort of stuff is focused on Japan. Well, in the case of Nagual, it’s Meso-America that’s got the giant robots that are fighting off the evil, invading aliens. You can check…

Dragon Heresy Fantasy RPG Up On Kickstarter
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Dragon Heresy Fantasy RPG Up On Kickstarter

Dragon Heresy is a fantasy RPG that uses modified 5th Edition rules to bring you into the Norse legends of old. Glory is yours, if you can grasp it. But with any RPG, getting started can be rough. There’s always going to be a learning curve. Thankfully, there’s the Dragon Heresy Introduction Set that can…

New Info Posted about Confrontation Classic

New Info Posted about Confrontation Classic

Sans Detour is working on bringing back Confrontation, a game that I know many of you have fond memories for. The minis were certainly pretty. Well, they’ve given us some more information about what you can expect when the Kickstarter goes live in April. They’re letting us know about the number of minis and factions…

Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics Video Game Up On Kickstarter
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Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics Video Game Up On Kickstarter

Modiphius has teamed up with Ripstone and Auroch Digital to bring the world of Acthung! Cthulhu to your video screens. The alternate-history WWII game where Cthulhu-mythos creatures come flooding into our own world is getting the full digital treatment. And as part of the campaign, they’re looking to bring you new items for the tabletop…

Modiphius Running John Carter of Mars RPG Kickstarter
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Modiphius Running John Carter of Mars RPG Kickstarter

Every day, we get new news from the surface of Mars. A new rock formation is found that might hint at life once thriving on the red planet. As exciting as that is… it’s also just a bit disappointing, considering what we had hoped to find. Certainly authors in times gone by (and many now)…