Privateer Press Launches Warcaster: Collision Course Kickstarter
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Privateer Press Launches Warcaster: Collision Course Kickstarter

The first expansion for the sci-fi minis game set in the Iron Kingdoms, Warcaster, is up on Kickstarter now. Collision Course brings you new scenarios, new vehicles, and an entirely new faction for the game. Head on over and check out all the new specials. From the campaign: The campaign’s up and over its funding…

Mantic Previews Dwarven Fleet in Armada
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Mantic Previews Dwarven Fleet in Armada

You might usually expect to find dwarves deep in their mines underneath the great mountain ranges of the world. But while that’s a fairly natural habitat for them, they’re also capable of heading out to see in mighty warships. In this preview, we get a look at what their fleet looks like in Armada, Mantic’s…

New Rangers Available to Order from Games Workshop
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New Rangers Available to Order from Games Workshop

Games Workshop has a new character set for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game available to order over in their webshop. It’s Anborn and Mablung. You can go put your name on the list to get these eagle-eyed scouts and add them to your collection now. From the website: One of the Rangers under the command…

World of Tanks Tabletop Gaming Coming in September

World of Tanks Tabletop Gaming Coming in September

Many of you have hopped into your Panzer or Tiger or Patton and headed across virtual landscapes, looking to take out enemy tanks. Well, soon, you’ll be able to do the same on your tabletops. Gale Force 9 has announced that they’re coming out with a World of Tanks tabletop game this September. From the…

CMON Previews Baratheon Heroes II Box Set
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CMON Previews Baratheon Heroes II Box Set

House Baratheon might be a house divided, but they still have a chance to being the one on the Iron Throne when all is said and done. In the Baratheon Heroes II box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game, players will get a selection of characters loyal to Renly Baratheon,…

Paizo Posts New Pathfinder Battles Minis Preview
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Paizo Posts New Pathfinder Battles Minis Preview

Paizo and WizKids have another set of Pathfinder Battles minis coming out soon. It’s the City of Lost Omens set and it gives players and GMs a lot of new options for figures to use on their tabletops. In this preview, get a look at some of the humanoid figures that will be coming in…

Games Workshop Announces New Edition of Warhammer 40k
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Games Workshop Announces New Edition of Warhammer 40k

Well, the big news from the weekend is that Games Workshop is coming out with a new edition of Warhammer 40k. The main factions it’s looking like are Imperium and Necrons, at least from the preview video. We get some Imperial Guard, some Sisters of Battle, and some Space Marines, along with the aforementioned mechanical…

Games Workshop Webshop Reopens For Remaining Countries
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Games Workshop Webshop Reopens For Remaining Countries

Back when Games Workshop was opening up their webshop again, Canada, The US, Australia, New Zealand, and Italy were left out. Well, the exclusion time is over. Games Workshop is opening up those countries for ordering today. If you’ve been waiting, that wait is over. You can go buy your figures today. From the announcement:…

NCR Ranger Available For Fallout: Wasteland Warfare
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NCR Ranger Available For Fallout: Wasteland Warfare

Reach out. Reach out and touch someone. Well, not right now. We’re supposed to socially isolate. You know who’s good at that? The NRC Ranger for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. You can pick up this new sniper for your forces now over in the Modiphius webshop. From the website: In the baking deserts of the Mojave…

New Sisters of Battle Units Available to Order From Games Workshop
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New Sisters of Battle Units Available to Order From Games Workshop

Wanting to add some more nuns with guns to your collection? Now’s a good time for it. Games Workshop has started taking orders for new transports, new units, and new characters for your Sisters of Battle armies. Head on over and get your name on the list now so you can be the first gamer…