Mongoose Publishing Acquires Twilight: 2000 and 2300AD

Mongoose Publishing has announced that it has acquired the rights to Twilight: 2000 and 2300AD. These games will join Mongoose’s existing lineup, which includes the popular Traveller series.

In a statement, Mongoose Publishing’s Matt Sprange shared that he is excited to take on these titles, as they hold personal significance from his early gaming days. “All three are games I read and played as a teenager, and so it is both awesome and humbling to become their stewards,” Sprange said.

Twilight: 2000 is currently being published by Free League, and Mongoose has confirmed that Free League will continue to publish the game throughout the current license period. There is also a strong possibility that Free League will remain involved in the game beyond this period, ensuring continuity for the title.

For 2300AD, Mongoose is preparing to release new content, with manuscripts for both Invasion and a new adventure book already in development. In addition, 2300AD will be integrated into the Traveller Aid Society (TAS) program on DriveThruRPG in the coming months, allowing fans to contribute to the game through this platform.

Both Twilight: 2000 and 2300AD are available in their past editions on DriveThruRPG, with plans to make them accessible on Mongoose’s own website in the near future. The current edition of Twilight: 2000, which is still under Free League’s control, can be found through their website.

Additionally, Mongoose has included both Twilight: 2000 and 2300AD in their Fair Use Policy, providing opportunities for creators to utilize these settings in their projects under certain guidelines.