Made to Order Returns to Middle-earth with 2023 Hobby Bingo

Made to Order Returns to Middle-earth with 2023 Hobby Bingo

The popular tabletop game, Warhammer, has announced the return of its ‘Made to Order’ service for Middle Earth. This service allows players to customize their miniatures and armies with unique designs and colors. The announcement comes alongside the launch of the 2023 Hobby Bingo, a new initiative that encourages players to explore different aspects of…

Gloomspite Gitz Invade Under the Light of Da Bad Moon
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Gloomspite Gitz Invade Under the Light of Da Bad Moon

The Gloomspite Gitz, a faction of chaotic and mischievous goblins, have been wreaking havoc in the Mortal Realms under the influence of the Bad Moon. This powerful celestial object has granted them new abilities and strength, allowing them to cause chaos and destruction wherever they go. The Gloomspite Gitz are now a force to be…

Angron Dominates Grey Knights in Epic Battle Report
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Angron Dominates Grey Knights in Epic Battle Report

In a thrilling battle report, the legendary Primarch Angron has unleashed his fury against the Grey Knights in a fierce clash of strength and skill. The battle was fought using the new rules from the Wrath & Rapture box set, with Angron leading a force of Daemonkin and the Grey Knights led by Grand Master…

Mantic Previews Upcoming Dungeon Adventures
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Mantic Previews Upcoming Dungeon Adventures

Mantic’s coming out with their line of Dungeon Adventures kits that give you everything you need for some cool encounters for your D&D games. But what does the future hold for the line? Glad you asked. We get a look at exactly that in this preview and update. From the article: Martin Here! For those…

Games Workshop Previews Sky-hunter Squadron for The Horus Heresy
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Games Workshop Previews Sky-hunter Squadron for The Horus Heresy

Just walking into battle? Pfeh. How pedestrian. Better to get on your bikes and ride! Your hovering future-bikes that is. Get a look at the Sky-hunter Squadron coming for The Horus Heresy in this article from Games Workshop. From the article: A Space Marine is a terrifying prospect on foot – a gene-wrought brute clad…

Renegade Game Studios Launches Renegade Reward Points Program

Renegade Game Studios Launches Renegade Reward Points Program

You know those punch cards that you get a free/discounted sub when you order enough? Renegade’s doing that, but you don’t have to worry about keeping track of some rewards card. They’ve launched their Renegade Rewards Program over in their webshop. From the announcement: We want to reward our biggest fans! With our new Renegade…

Plaid Hat Previews Shadow Elves Champions for Summoner Wars
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Plaid Hat Previews Shadow Elves Champions for Summoner Wars

The final preview for the Shadow Elves is among us. Their new deck for Summoner Wars is on the way and in this preview, we get a look at the champions the faction will be bringing to tabletops. From the article: Welcome back summoners! At last, the champions of the Shadow Elves have arrived! Taliya…

New Necromunda Minis Available to Pre-order from Forge World
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New Necromunda Minis Available to Pre-order from Forge World

The Underhive has some new denizens moving in soon. You can head over to Forge World and get your name on the list to get these new Necromunda minis as soon as they’re available next week From the article: The inhabitants of Necromunda are a rich pageant of diverse weirdos, and this week’s pre-orders add…

The Side Quest Chronicles RPG Supplement Up On Kickstarter
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The Side Quest Chronicles RPG Supplement Up On Kickstarter

Sometimes, a GM just needs a bit of a break from the overall narrative of their campaign. Maybe they’re at a block in ideas. Or they need to get the players some XP or gear. Or maybe players are just burned out from finding all the Mystical Widgets of World-Saving and need some off-shoot to…