Skirmisher Publishing New Year, New Thing Bundle Available Now
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Skirmisher Publishing New Year, New Thing Bundle Available Now

Looking to try out some new stuff for your games this year? Well, Skirmisher Publishing is here to help with their New Year, New Thing bundle that they’ve got going on now. It’s quite a savings over their regular (already low) price. From the website: It’s a New Year and we want to make it…

Legend of Ghost Mountain RPG Campaign Up On Kickstarter
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Legend of Ghost Mountain RPG Campaign Up On Kickstarter

<weewoo! weewoo! weewoo!> Giant Dragon Alert! It’s being brought to you by Legend of Ghost Mountain, a new multi-stage RPG campaign that’s up on Kickstarter now. It’s got all you could want, including a cool dragon mini. From the campaign: Ghost Mountain is a sacred site containing a physical gate to the underworld, and the…

The OP Launches Disney Sorcerer’s Arena: Epic Alliances Online Hub
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The OP Launches Disney Sorcerer’s Arena: Epic Alliances Online Hub

Looking for a place to talk with other Disney Sorcerer’s Arena: Epic Alliances players? Maybe discuss strategies? Tell of your epic wins or close defeats? The OP is here to help. They’ve launched an online hub for the game and are introducing it via the game’s designer. From the post: Welcome to The Op’s newly…

Once Upon a Line: The Butterfly’s Breath Narrative Game Up On Kickstarter
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Once Upon a Line: The Butterfly’s Breath Narrative Game Up On Kickstarter

A pandemic has killed off most of humanity. Insects have grown to giant sizes. Humanity has harnessed these insects to help rebuild society. But will it all come crashing down again? That’s up to you decide in Once Upon a Line: The Butterfly’s Breath, a narrative game that’s up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign:…

Games Workshop Previews Upcoming Kill Team Changes
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Games Workshop Previews Upcoming Kill Team Changes

Kill Team lets you play a more skirmish-sized game in the 40k universe. The game’s getting some updates soon and Games Workshop wants to make sure you get a look at them. So, check out this interview for some of what’s to come. From the article: Greetings, spec ops commanders, and welcome to the very…

Bloatflies Now Available for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare
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Bloatflies Now Available for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare

Like, it’s annoying as hell when there’s a fly in your face and it just won’t go away. When that fly is as big as you are, it gets a little dicier. That’s what we have with the Bloatflies for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. You can head over and pick up your own box set of…

Marvel United: Multiverse Expansion Up On Kickstarter
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Marvel United: Multiverse Expansion Up On Kickstarter

The Marvel United game is expanding into other dimensions. The Multiverse is here. This new standalone expansion is up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: Marvel United is opening the Multiverse wide open and bringing it into this fast-paced cooperative game. Build your team of Heroes from all realities and join forces to thwart the…

Deep Magic Volume 2 RPG Supplement Up On Kickstarter
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Deep Magic Volume 2 RPG Supplement Up On Kickstarter

“More options!” It’s the call from gamers and GMs all over. They want more options for their characters. And Kobold Press is here to help with Deep Magic Volume 2, a guide to new spells for your D&D games. The campaign is up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: Unlock the secrets of true power,…

Plaid Hat Previews Shadow Elves Events for Summoner Wars
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Plaid Hat Previews Shadow Elves Events for Summoner Wars

We’ve seen the rank and file. Now, let’s check out some of the events that fill the deck for the Shadow Elves, coming soon for Summoner Wars. From the article: Welcome back summoners! The Shadow Elves are armed with both light and dark magic, showcased by their event suite below. Glinting Speed offers Selundar the…