Games Workshop Posts The Horus Heresy Updated FAQ
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Games Workshop Posts The Horus Heresy Updated FAQ

The Horus Heresy takes 40k back to the… well, the Horus Heresy. Games Workshop has posted up a new FAQ for the iteration of the game, as well as free rules for old Solar Auzilia units that have been around for quite a while. You can head over and download both now. From the article:…

Paizo Announces New Pathfinder Quests
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Paizo Announces New Pathfinder Quests

Paizo loves to give y’all free content for your Pathfinder games. This will continue into 2023 with the announcement of Pathfinder Quests. These will replace the previous Bounties and offer about 2 hours’ worth of gaming for your groups with each one. It’ll be a regularly recurring thing, so you can keep the adventure going…

Reign of Terror Social Deduction Game Up On Kickstarter
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Reign of Terror Social Deduction Game Up On Kickstarter

The Reign of Terror. It was one of the darkest times in France’s history. People were losing their heads all around as loyalties suddenly became liabilities when one group would suddenly seize control. Can you keep ahead of the guillotine and keep your head about you? That’s up to you to find out in Reign…

SimpleQuest D100 RPG Up On Kickstarter
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SimpleQuest D100 RPG Up On Kickstarter

Think that the rulebook for an RPG needs to have hundreds and hundreds of pages and be really complex for all the different things players might get up to? Not so with SimpleQuest. It’s a complete d100 RPG within about 150 pages. The game is up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: The campaign’s around…

Ares Games to Distribute Fighters of the Pacific

Ares Games to Distribute Fighters of the Pacific

Ares Games has reached an agreement with Don’t Panic Games to be the distributor of the English edition of their tactical board game, Fighters of the Pacific. This game takes players back to WWII and the harrowing naval and air battles between the US and the Japanese (they’re fighting one-another and not actually fighting the…

Games Workshop Previews new Khorne Berserkers
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Games Workshop Previews new Khorne Berserkers

“Blood for the Blood God!” It’s a call known by all 40k players, even if they don’t follow the Chaos god Khorne. Most known to be the call of Khorne Berserkers, they’re getting a new kit and in this preview, we get a look at just what that entails (lots of spikes and skulls, mostly)….

Games Workshop Previews Heroes from Battle of Osgiliath Box Set
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Games Workshop Previews Heroes from Battle of Osgiliath Box Set

A new battle box for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game is coming out soon. It depicts the confrontation at Osgiliath as Sauron’s forces faced the defenders from Gondor. This set includes several special heroes who participated in the battle. We get a look at some of their special rules in this preview. From the article:…

Stefan Feld City Collection Up On Kickstarter
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Stefan Feld City Collection Up On Kickstarter

Queen Games is looking to directly get you the first wave of the first printing of Stefan Feld’s games based on different cities. You can head over and get Hamburg, Amsterdam, New York, and Marakesh now as part of the campaign. From the campaign: Due to popular demand, this is your last chance to own…