Games Workshop Updating Miniature of the Month Program

Games Workshop Updating Miniature of the Month Program

Every month, Games Workshop releases a miniature to their Games Workshop stores that players can go and collect. Well, that program is getting a bit of an update, now having the minis come from one of the releases coming that month. From the article: The long-running Miniature of the Month promotion gets visitors to Warhammer…

Plaid Hat Games Announces Hickory Dickory Board Game

Plaid Hat Games Announces Hickory Dickory Board Game

Hickory Dickory Doc. The mouse ran up the clock. And then it went around the clock, looking for items during the great scavenger hunt! What? Don’t remember that part of the nursery rhyme? Well, Plaid Hat Games can help with Hickory Dickory, a new board game that’s coming from them later this year. From the…

Catalyst Game Labs Posts Hammerhead Production Issue Resolution Plan
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Catalyst Game Labs Posts Hammerhead Production Issue Resolution Plan

<whoop! whoop! whoop!> Giant Robot Alert! We have Giant Robot Alert! And this time, it’s to repair busted mechs. Catalyst Game Labs recently found that there was an issue with some of the Hammerhead minis they’d sold. Well, they’re looking to rectify the situation and there’s multiple ways to get your updated replacement parts. From…

Steinhardt’s Guide to the Eldritch Hunt RPG Supplement Up On Kickstarter
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Steinhardt’s Guide to the Eldritch Hunt RPG Supplement Up On Kickstarter

Looking to add some Lovecraftian horror to your D&D games? Maybe something akin to the various Souls games? Then you’ll want to check out Steinhardt’s Guide to the Eldritch Hunt, a new RPG supplement up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: Steinhardt’s Guide to the Eldritch Hunt is a 300+ page grimoire fusing Soulsborne and…

Games Workshop Posts Rules for Ka’bandha in The Horus Heresy
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Games Workshop Posts Rules for Ka’bandha in The Horus Heresy

A centerpiece of your The Horus Heresy army, Ka’bandha is quite a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Oh? You don’t know his rules? Well, you can find out by clicking through and checking out the .pdf of them just below. From the article: A crimson shadow descends on the galaxy. Ka’bandha, among…

Empire of Dust Shipping Update from Mantic Games
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Empire of Dust Shipping Update from Mantic Games

There’s a heatwave going on in Britain right now. That means that resin isn’t quite setting the way it should over in Mantic’s warehouse. As such, the initial wave of Empire of Dust figures is a little delayed. But Mantic’s giving us a heads-up, as well as what we can expect in the next month…

Warlord Games Posts How to Make Bolt Action Scenarios
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Warlord Games Posts How to Make Bolt Action Scenarios

WWII had so many individual battles, skirmishes, and various engagements that it’d be impossible to actually have one company create scenarios to represent them on the tabletop. However, they can give you the tools to make them yourself, so your favorite battle can be played out in miniature. And that’s what Warlord Games gives you…

Days of Wonder Announces Ticket to Ride: Ghost Train
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Days of Wonder Announces Ticket to Ride: Ghost Train

First, we of course need some appropriate music going. Perfect. Now then, Days of Wonder is already looking ahead to the spooky season by announcing Ticket to Ride: Ghost Train. It’s coming, appropriately enough, this September and October (depending on where you’re at in the world). From the announcement: Discover Ticket to Ride: Ghost Train,…

Trickdraw Card Game Up On Kickstarter
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Trickdraw Card Game Up On Kickstarter

Hey there, hombre. There ain’t room enough in this town for the both of us. So’s, I’m a-thinkin’ we settle this at noon out in the street. That’s where you find yourself in Trickdraw, a new quick-draw card game that’s up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: The campaign’s up and over its funding goal…

PDF Version of Dark Souls RPG Now Available
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PDF Version of Dark Souls RPG Now Available

You Died. Probably words you’ve seen a lot on your screen while playing Dark Souls. Well, now, you can get a different Dark Souls on your screen and hopefully you won’t die quite so often. The PDF version of the Dark Souls RPG from Steamforged is now available. From the website: This is the updated…