Pirates of Skydock Starfinder Board Game Coming from Paizo
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Pirates of Skydock Starfinder Board Game Coming from Paizo

Paizo and Gale Force 9 are teaming up to bring you board games based on Paizo’s RPGs. The next one is coming to you in August. It’s Pirates of Skydock and you can get a look at it in this preview. From the article: In the second title developed as part of a multi-game partnership…

Fantasy Flight Announces New Faction for Twilight Imperium
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Fantasy Flight Announces New Faction for Twilight Imperium

Twilight Imperium has been around for 25 years. Can you believe it? And soon, they’re going to be adding their 25th faction to the game. Fantasy Flight has announced the Council. Read on to check out what this new faction will be like. From the article: A new faction has arrived in Twilight Imperium! First…

Games Workshop Previews Using Knights as Allies in 40k
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Games Workshop Previews Using Knights as Allies in 40k

<whoop! whoop! whoop!> Yup. Giant Robot Alert. But, say that you DON’T want to use an entire army of giant robots (look, I don’t understand why you wouldn’t, either. But let’s just go with it), how can you still get some of the new Imperial and Chaos Knights into your forces? Well, we get a…

Privateer Press Previews New Orgoth for Warmachine
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Privateer Press Previews New Orgoth for Warmachine

Another preview of some Orgoth figures coming to Warmachine soon. This time around, it’s the Vulcar Forge Master solo and the Ulkor Barragers unit. The barragers are a specially trained corps of Ulkors who are armed with powerful, short-ranged cannons. Like their warjacks, Orgoth firearms are powered by Infernus tech Blaze cores, a magical power…

Games Workshop Previews Ash Waste Stormcallers for Necromunda
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Games Workshop Previews Ash Waste Stormcallers for Necromunda

The dust storms out in the Ash Wastes are well-known to be deadly. The naturally-occurring ones are bad enough, but when a Stormcaller is around, they’re used with weapon-like precision. Get a look at this new mini coming for Necromunda in this preview. From the article: In the ash-choked wilderness of Necromunda, visibility is everything. When your…

Anastyr Board Game Up On Kickstarter
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Anastyr Board Game Up On Kickstarter

The Queen of Dragons is threatening the entire world. Someone needs to stop her. But who will do it? Thankfully, we’ve found just the heroes. That’s where you find yourself in Anastyr, a new cooperative board game up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: Anastyr is a cooperative board game for 1 to 4 players,…

Flee, Mortals! RPG Monster Supplement Up On Kickstarter
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Flee, Mortals! RPG Monster Supplement Up On Kickstarter

Trying to find a BBEG for your campaign? Maybe just a huge fight to really test your players? Maybe you’re wanting a TPK and haven’t found the right enemy for it yet. Well, you’re in luck, as Flee, Mortals! is a new monster manual up on Kickstarter that’s full of over 300 new monsters ready…

Old Gods of Appalachia RPG Up On Kickstarter
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Old Gods of Appalachia RPG Up On Kickstarter

Appalachia has a very rich lore and history surrounding it. Things, very old things, living in the woods, only rarely making contact with humanity. It’s into this world that you find yourselves in Old Gods of Appalachia, a new RPG utilizing the Cypher system from Monte Cook Games. From the campaign: The campaign’s headed to…

Games Workshop Previews Warpmeld Pacts for 40k
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Games Workshop Previews Warpmeld Pacts for 40k

Ch,ch,ch, changes! That’s gotta be Tzeentch’s favorite song. And you can use it as a battlecry as you head your Warpmeld Pact forces into battle. In this preview from War Zone Nachmund: Rift War, we look at this army. From the article: The next chapter of the Nachmund saga has been revealed! In War Zone…