League of Dungeoneers Board Game Up On Kickstarter
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League of Dungeoneers Board Game Up On Kickstarter

Dungeons. They’re full of monsters, loot, and traps. And they’re everywhere. So much so that a group of like-minded individuals has formed that makes it their life’s work to explore them. They’re the League of Dungeoneers, and it’s into their presitigous ranks that you join in the new board game up on Kickstarter now. From…

Illiterati Survival Word Game Up On Kickstarter
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Illiterati Survival Word Game Up On Kickstarter

Words. Lord knows I deal with them every day. You probably do, too. But how good is your vocabulary? How about your gaming buddies? I hope it’s good, because it’ll have to be if you want to make it through Illiterati, a new cooperative survival word game that’s up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign:…

Cults of the Blood Gods Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade Available to Pre-order
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Cults of the Blood Gods Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade Available to Pre-order

Blood for the Blood God! Wait… that’s the wrong universe. Though Blood Gods are certainly included in Vampire: The Masquerade. Cults of the Blood Gods is the next sourcebook coming out for the game from Renegade Game Studios. You can get your pre-order in now, along with a bonus pdf version. From the website: For…

Games Workshop Previews New Chaos Space Marines for Kill Team
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Games Workshop Previews New Chaos Space Marines for Kill Team

Nachmund is the new box set coming for Kill Team. In it, there’s going to be a bunch of new Chaos Space Marines hitting tabletops. We get a look at them in this preview. Have yourselves a look-see. From the article: We’ve still not quite recovered from seeing the amazing new Corsair Voidscarred that we…

Eldermancy RPG Setting and Adventured Up On Kickstarter
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Eldermancy RPG Setting and Adventured Up On Kickstarter

20 weeks. That’s how long the islands are from complete devastation. Can they be saved? That’s up to your players to find out in Sunken Isles, a new setting guide and adventure for 5th edition D&D that’s up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: Since Manaki and its cultures don’t customarily use gold when trading,…

Games Workshop Posts Fafnir Rann Rules for 40k
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Games Workshop Posts Fafnir Rann Rules for 40k

The Black Library Celebration is coming soon from Games Workshop. Included with the various books are a pair of new miniatures. If you’re looking to bring these character from the page to your tabletop, you’ll need some rules, along with the miniature. In this post, we get the rules for Fafnir Rann of the Imperial…

Games Workshop Previews Aspect Warriors for 40k
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Games Workshop Previews Aspect Warriors for 40k

Aspect Warriors are the elites of the Aeldari army. We’ve seen some of the Dark Reapers and their leader Maugan Ra, but that’s just one of the numerous groups that exist. We get a much more general look of how these warriors are getting updated in the new Aeldari codex, coming soon. From the article:…

The Shadow of the Sorcerer Adventure for Conan RPG Available to Pre-Order
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The Shadow of the Sorcerer Adventure for Conan RPG Available to Pre-Order

If you’re looking for a truly epic campaign to match the truly epic setting and characters in your Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of, then you’ll want to get your name down on the list to get The Shadow of the Sorcerer. It’s a new adventure coming for the game and it’s got quite…

Games Workshop Announces Price Hikes
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Games Workshop Announces Price Hikes

Times have been tough for a couple years now. The price of everything is going up. I know my bills have been more expensive lately. Unfortunately, that’s going to move to my hobbies as well. Games Workshop has announced some price increases for some of their products. From the article: You can hardly pick up…