GURPS 2021 PDF Challenge Up On Kickstarter
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GURPS 2021 PDF Challenge Up On Kickstarter

Steve Jackson Games is always looking to get you more game for your buck. And they’re looking to bring you a ton of GURPS content all in one swift go. They’re running their 2021 PDF Challenge up on Kickstarter. Head over and have yourselves a look. From the campaign: After the success of the 2020…

The Drowned War Sci-Fi RPG Up On Kickstarter
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The Drowned War Sci-Fi RPG Up On Kickstarter

Under the sea. Under the sea. *dodges even more thrown items* Yes, it’s another underwater RPG book for you. Though this one’s very different than the previous. It’s The Drowned War, a sci-fi setting for the Savage Worlds system that takes you beneath the waves into a world of crushing pressure, dangerous monsters, and deep…

Horizons of the Vast Player’s Guide for Starfinder Posted
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Horizons of the Vast Player’s Guide for Starfinder Posted

Horizons of the Vast is a new adventure path for Starfinder. If you’re looking to create a character that fits in perfectly well with the path as well as get some info about what worlds your character will be adventuring through, you’ll want to check out the new Player’s Guide that Paizo has posted on…

Z-Man Games Previews Heroes in Pandemic: Hot Zone – Europe
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Z-Man Games Previews Heroes in Pandemic: Hot Zone – Europe

Those on the front lines of a pandemic are truly heroes. And in Pandemic: Hot Zone – Europe, the game is getting a new set of 4 heroes looking to save the world. Get a look at them in this new preview from Z-Man Games. From the article: Along with a new map, Pandemic: Hot…

Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth Box Set Up On Kickstarter
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Dungeon Crawl Classics: Dying Earth Box Set Up On Kickstarter

Dungeon Crawl Classics brings that nostalgic feel of old-school RPGs to your tabletops. Dying Earth, a new box set for the game, is up on Kickstarter. It contains three books, a map for your game, and plenty of extras as well. Head on over and check out the campaign. From the campaign: The campaign’s more…

Heroes of Barcadia Party Game Up On Kickstarter
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Heroes of Barcadia Party Game Up On Kickstarter

Seems like a good story to close out the week with. If you’re planning on getting together with friends, I’m guessing games will probably on the table. Drinks also might be on the table. Put them together and you get party drinking games. And Heroes of Barcadia is looking to be the next one for…

Heliana’s Guide To Monster Hunting RPG Guide Up On Kickstarter
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Heliana’s Guide To Monster Hunting RPG Guide Up On Kickstarter

There’s a lot of strange creatures out there. And while most are just going about their regular lives, some are being more destructive and have to be dealt with. That’s where Heliana’s Guide To Monster Hunting comes in. It’s a new RPG supplement all about gearing up to fight monstrous creatures, hunting them down, killing…