Plaid Hat Previews New Units for The Fallen Kingdom Deck
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Plaid Hat Previews New Units for The Fallen Kingdom Deck

A champion and a common unit are what’s on deck for this deck preview for Summoner Wars. Check out two of The Fallen Kingdom’s fighting forces. From the article: Welcome back summoners! The Fallen Kingdom is back with another round of units, each benefitting from the destruction of units nearby. Dragos is a high damage…

Games Workshop Previews Volkite Weapons for Adeptus Titanicus
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Games Workshop Previews Volkite Weapons for Adeptus Titanicus

<whoop! whoop! whoop!> Giant robot alert! We have giant robot alert! It’s being triggered by some Adeptus Titanicus news. They’re getting a new breed of weapon, the Volkite Weapons, and in this preview, we get a look at just what they’re capable of on the battlefield. From the article: New weapons are coming for your…

New Word Bearers Available to Order from Forge World
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New Word Bearers Available to Order from Forge World

Forge World has a pair of new Word Bearers minis available for you to order this week. They’re the Legion Terminator Praetor and the Legion Praetor. Head on over and get you some words From the announcement: Warlords and worshippers of the Dark Gods, Word Bearers Praetors are Lorgar’s right hand, the leaders of the…

Plaid Hat Games Releases Forgotten Waters DLC Pack 1

Plaid Hat Games Releases Forgotten Waters DLC Pack 1

You’ve not forgotten about Forgotten Waters, have you? The game from Plaid Hat where you become a high season buccaneer in search of adventure? Well, hopefully you haven’t anyway, but even if you have, Plaid Hat is putting it back on the horizon with the release of their DLC Pack #1 for it. From the…

Corvus Belli Previews Knight of Montesa For Infinity
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Corvus Belli Previews Knight of Montesa For Infinity

Corvus Belli is taking pre-orders for their Military Orders box set for Infinity. If you go and get your name on that pre-order list, you will also get exclusive minis. What exclusive minis? Glad you asked. Have yourselves a look-see. From the article: This exclusive box includes 2 miniatures: 1 mounted Knight of Montesa with…

Plaid Hat Games Explains Symbols in Summoner Wars
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Plaid Hat Games Explains Symbols in Summoner Wars

“Hey, have you any idea what these strange symbols are?” “I think they’re just strange symbols of some kind.” We’ve been getting a lot of previews for the upcoming Summoner Wars 2nd edition. Eagle-eyed gamers might have seen various symbols on the cards that haven’t been fully explained yet. Well, in this preview, we get…

Paizo Announces Final Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Society Adventure
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Paizo Announces Final Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Society Adventure

The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game has been winding down for a little bit over at Paizo. But just like FFG is finishing up the Legend of the Five Rings game with a big splash, so will Paizo. They’ll be running special events at their upcoming PaizoCon for the end of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society….

Corvus Belli Looks Inside the Military Orders for Infinity
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Corvus Belli Looks Inside the Military Orders for Infinity

Corvus Belli has just started taking pre-orders for their new Military Orders for Infinity. These armed segments of the church have been in development for a bit. In this article, Corvus Belli gives us a look into how they came about and the issues trying to get them to your tabletops. From the article: Military…