Battlescars Sci-Fi Miniatures Game Up On Kickstarter
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Battlescars Sci-Fi Miniatures Game Up On Kickstarter

Battlescars is a new sci-fi minis game that’s up on Kickstarter now. Build your fleet from any mini in the game, since there aren’t any specific factions. Mix and match as you want, and hot-swap out weapons and gear as the game goes on. Head over and check it out. From the campaign: The Kickstarter…

Privateer Press Launches Warcaster: Collision Course Kickstarter
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Privateer Press Launches Warcaster: Collision Course Kickstarter

The first expansion for the sci-fi minis game set in the Iron Kingdoms, Warcaster, is up on Kickstarter now. Collision Course brings you new scenarios, new vehicles, and an entirely new faction for the game. Head on over and check out all the new specials. From the campaign: The campaign’s up and over its funding…

Starfinder Core Rulebook Update Posted
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Starfinder Core Rulebook Update Posted

Rulebooks are complicated, especially for a game like Starfinder where there’s a ton of different elements that all have to come together so you can play your characters. Sometimes, the rules as they’re written don’t work out as the developers intended. That’s where updates come in. The folks over at Paizo have updated the Starfinder…

New Starfinder Adventures on Alexa
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New Starfinder Adventures on Alexa

We’re not really supposed to be out and hanging with our friends right now. As such, you might find yourself without a game to play. Well, if you’ve got an Alexa, you can play Starfinder right now. And there’s even more adventures now available. From the announcement: Nathan Fillion and Laura Bailey are back for…

Fantasy Flight Launches Play and Share Campaign
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Fantasy Flight Launches Play and Share Campaign

Let’s face it. Except for possibly, “finally sit down and paint some minis,” most of our gaming goals for the year have gone soaring out the window as the quarantine continues on. Fantasy Flight Games is looking to help, though, by creating a place for people to gather and talk about games, which is something…

Terra Incognita Expansion Avaliable Now For Sid Meier’s Civilization: A New Dawn

Terra Incognita Expansion Avaliable Now For Sid Meier’s Civilization: A New Dawn

At the edge of civilization lays uncharted territory. Only the brave venture here, but what they find could make the entire community that much stronger and better. It’s searching these vast territories that you get to do in Terra Incognita, the latest expansion for Sid Meier’s Civilization: A New Dawn. This new expansion, as well…

Paizo Previews Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide
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Paizo Previews Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide

While many adventuring parties are just created on the spot and stick together as they travel the world, in Pathfinder, there’s an organized group of adventurers whose job it is to boldly go where no one has gone before. To seek out life and new civilizations. They are the Pathfinder Society, and they are getting…