CMON Launches Time Machine Kickstarter
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CMON Launches Time Machine Kickstarter

CMON has launched their Kickstarter campaign to add new digital assets like soundtracks and art books for some of their previous games. They’re HATE, Zombicide: Green Horde, and Rising Sun. You can also pledge for those games as well. Well, you could’ve if they hadn’t all sold out super-quickly, anyway. But you can still possibly…

Pathfinder 2nd Edition Demo Adventure Available to Download
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Pathfinder 2nd Edition Demo Adventure Available to Download

So, Pathfinder 2nd Edition’s been out for a little over a month. You’ve maybe thought about picking it up, but haven’t been sure. And if you did, where would you start? Or maybe you’re a GM looking to get a group interested in this new version. Where do you begin? Well, Paizo is here to…

CMON Posts History of Zombicide: Part 1
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CMON Posts History of Zombicide: Part 1

Zombicide 2nd Edition is coming to Kickstarter very soon. But where did it all begin? I actually remember being here on TGN when that first campaign launched. Back then, we weren’t 100% sure how we were going to do coverage for these new-fangled “crowd funding” things. Different times, for sure. In this first part of…

Monte Cook Games Releases Consent in Gaming Book

Monte Cook Games Releases Consent in Gaming Book

The point of games is to have fun. Otherwise, we’re just people sitting around playing pretend with convoluted rules for no reason. During your RPG sessions, topics can come up that won’t always sit well with others. So, how does one approach such topics, and how do GMs make sure that what they’re running works…

Fantasy Flight Previews Captain America Hero Set From Marvel Champions
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Fantasy Flight Previews Captain America Hero Set From Marvel Champions

Being one of the bigger announcements from Gen Con, Fantasy Flight is bringing out Marvel Champions, a new LCG based on Marvel comics characters. While we don’t normally cover LCGs, we figured that having coverage of such a hot property at least to its initial release was ideal. As such, we present Fantasy Flight’s preview…

Days of Wonder Announces Ticket to Ride: Japan
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Days of Wonder Announces Ticket to Ride: Japan

She’s got a ticket to ride… and he’s got a ticket to ride… and they’ve got a ticket to ride. And they all care. I don’t blame them, Ticket to Ride is a great game, and soon, a new pair of maps will be available as Days of Wonder has announced Ticket to Ride: Japan….

Plaid Hat Games Posts Badlands: Aftermath Edition Preview

Plaid Hat Games Posts Badlands: Aftermath Edition Preview

Battlelands: Aftermath Edition will pit you against the other creatures still around in the post-apocalyptic world where humanity has suddenly vanished. in this preview, we get a look at the different factions, as well as some of the cards on offer to them in this territory-grabbing card game. From the post: Battlelands: Aftermath Edition is…