Days of Wonder Announces Ticket to Ride 15th Anniversary Edition

Days of Wonder Announces Ticket to Ride 15th Anniversary Edition

*snifflesniffle* They always grow up so fast! *sniffle* Days of Wonder is celebrating 15 years of Ticket to Ride with a new special Anniversary Edition. It’s got special clear plastic trains and a retrospective booklet about the history of the game. For you collectors out there, this is one to check out. From the announcement:…

Paizo Previews GM Tools for Pathfinder 2nd Edition
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Paizo Previews GM Tools for Pathfinder 2nd Edition

So far, most of the previews for Pathfinder 2nd edition have focused on characters and what they’re capable of and how they work. But, while for a player, the character is everything. For the GM, the characters are only the beginning. They’ve got a whole world to manage, and that’s not always so easy. So,…

IDW Taking Pre-Orders for TMNT Zombicide Figures
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IDW Taking Pre-Orders for TMNT Zombicide Figures

Yes, you read that right. IDW and CMON are teaming up to bring you Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for Zombicide. They had some issues when the sets first were announced, but things look like they’re working better now. You can head over and pre-order your sets now. From the website: CMON and IDW Games are…

Modiphius Announces Organized Play And New Releases For Vampire: The Masquerade
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Modiphius Announces Organized Play And New Releases For Vampire: The Masquerade

Listening to Type O Negative while typing this seems rather appropriate. Anyway, one of the things about Vampire: The Masquerade is that they have a worldwide network of games that people will join in with. Sure, other games do this sort of thing as well, but it’s sort of one of the things V:TM is…

Star Trek: Conflick in the Neutral Zone Now Available
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Star Trek: Conflick in the Neutral Zone Now Available

The Neutral Zone is supposed to be a space for everyone. But conflicts certainly happen there. While nobody truly controls it, various factions want it, and that’s what you’ll be looking to do in Star Trek: Conflick in the Neutral Zone. This dexterity-based game will have you flicking your ships around the board, looking to…

Building Characters in Pathfinder 2nd Edition
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Building Characters in Pathfinder 2nd Edition

Your character. If you’re not the DM, it’s pretty much everything you have in an RPG. So, it’s important that your character is built the way you want. But how do you go about making one? That’s an extremely important question, and one that’s answered in this article from Piazo about building characters in Pathfinder…

Infinity RPG Card Decks Coming This Week From Modiphius
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Infinity RPG Card Decks Coming This Week From Modiphius

So, later this week is a holiday for us here in the US. I’ll be taking some time off, so it’s actually really helpful that Modiphius is letting us know about some releases they’ll be having on the 4th. Lets me still tell you about it, while I’ll be BBQing and making things explode. Anyway,…

Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit Now Available
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Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit Now Available

With the golden age of gaming we’ve got going on right now, more people than ever are joining the nerdy masses. Many of them are looking to try some of the classic games they’ve heard of for so long, including Dungeons & Dragons. But where can they get everything they need to get playing? That’d…

Ancient World Multi-Game Tiles Up On Kickstarter Now
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Ancient World Multi-Game Tiles Up On Kickstarter Now

Long-time readers might remember that I’m a huge fan of abstract puzzle games. Well, the Ancient World Multi-Game Tiles are just that. But, as you can tell from the name, it’s not just a single game, but several, all wrapped up in one gaming set. You can check out the system up on Kickstarter now….