Nexus Arena Combat Board Game Up On Kickstarter
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Nexus Arena Combat Board Game Up On Kickstarter

Two warriors enter. One warrior leaves… … maybe. In Nexus, two gladiators are locked in life-or-death combat. However, it’s not just some sandy pit they’ve been tossed into. This arena is alive and it’s not going to make things easy for either combatant. With traps, snares, pits, and all manner of horrific things that can…

Fantasy Flight Announces KeyForge: Call of the Archons
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Fantasy Flight Announces KeyForge: Call of the Archons

Richard Garfield might be best known for making Magic: The Gathering, but there’s a lot of other games he’s worked on. And he’s still out there making more. Fantasy Flight has just announced a new title he’s been working on, and they’re ready to start taking pre-orders. It’s called Keyforge, and it’s the world’s first…

Fantasy Flight Previews Characters From Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Beginner Game
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Fantasy Flight Previews Characters From Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Beginner Game

Many of you out there adventure through Rokugan when playing the L5R card game. Soon, you’ll have an new way to experience that foreign land. Fantasy Flight is coming out with a new Legend of the Five Rings RPG, and they’re kicking things off with a beginner’s starter box to ease you into it. In…

TGN Review: Iconic Blue 2 Dice Set From Kraken Dice

TGN Review: Iconic Blue 2 Dice Set From Kraken Dice

#NoSuchThingAsTooManyDiceThat’s my honest belief. I mean… I guess if you’re not able to feed or clothe yourself, but you’re buying more dice, that might be too many, but until you reach that point, you can never have enough. A couple months back, people were talking about a website that’ll show you exactly how much money…

CMON Announces Trudvang Legends Board Game

CMON Announces Trudvang Legends Board Game

CMON is just brimming with announcements this week. The latest today is that they’re adapting the Swedish RPG, Trudvang Chronicles into a board game called Trudvang Legends. Players will make their way through various Adventure Books, changing the rules as they go along and perform their various exploits. From the announcement: CMON Limited will be…

Panzer Mech 28mm Weird WWII New Releases From West Wind Productions

Panzer Mech 28mm Weird WWII New Releases From West Wind Productions

A new expansion is now available for Secrets of the Third Reich. It’s called Dossier X-01, and it’s chocked full of new units of all types for your games. But not just rules, West Wind Productions has a whole batch of new miniatures that are available as well. And West Wind is celebrating by giving…

CMON Previews Cthulhu For Cthulhu: Death May Die

CMON Previews Cthulhu For Cthulhu: Death May Die

Gee, what a big miniature you have there.So, in a game called Cthulhu: Death May Die, you’d expect to have a Cthulhu miniature, especially for a game coming from CMON. Well, it does. Though, at this point, I’m not sure if “miniature” is really the right term for it… From the preview: Something big is…

Zombie Doctor & The Classic Horror Expansion Pack Up On Kickstarter
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Zombie Doctor & The Classic Horror Expansion Pack Up On Kickstarter

Zombies might be a pretty classic horror monster, but there are plenty of other horrible and terrifying creatures out there. Dracula, the Mummy, the Invisible Man. They’re looking to join in on the fun of Zombie Doctor, and that’s just what you get in the Classic Horror Expansion. Both the main game and the new…

Wrath & Glory Warhammer 40,000 Role Playing Game Available For Pre-order
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Wrath & Glory Warhammer 40,000 Role Playing Game Available For Pre-order

In the grim dark of the 41st millennium, there is only war…This we know, and many of you get out your armies weekly and fight for supremacy on the battlefields all across the Imperium and beyond. But soon, you’ll have another way to fight, on the RPG tabletop. Ulisses North America has started taking pre-orders…

Roll20 Adds Charactermancer Character-Building Helper

Roll20 Adds Charactermancer Character-Building Helper

When you want to play in an RPG, you’ve gotta start with your character. That’s the foundation of what else will come later. But… not everyone has the ability to make a character on their own. There’s tons of different options and choices and such. It can get you lost very easily. That’s where Roll20…