Kisarta 5th Edition Setting Book Back Up On Kickstarter
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Kisarta 5th Edition Setting Book Back Up On Kickstarter

Not ever Kickstarter goes as intended. That’s just a fact of life. Well, just because it’s not going great doesn’t mean that you have to totally abandon the project. With some reconfiguring, retooling, and reflection, a relaunch can be much more successful. That’s what’s going on with Kisarta, a new fantasy setting for 5th edition….

Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit Now Available
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Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit Now Available

With the golden age of gaming we’ve got going on right now, more people than ever are joining the nerdy masses. Many of them are looking to try some of the classic games they’ve heard of for so long, including Dungeons & Dragons. But where can they get everything they need to get playing? That’d…

Ghosts of Saltmarsh Now Available On Roll20
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Ghosts of Saltmarsh Now Available On Roll20

Ours is a global world. You could be just about anywhere reading this news. It also means that you could be just about anywhere and playing Dungeons & Dragons with your friends, just about no matter where they are. That’s thanks to Roll20. And they’ve expanded their line again with the classic Ghosts of Saltmarsh…

Wizards of the Coast Announces Acquisitions Incorporated for Dungeons & Dragons
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Wizards of the Coast Announces Acquisitions Incorporated for Dungeons & Dragons

Your favorite adventurers from Penny Arcade’s Acquisitions Incorporated will soon be incorporated into your D&D games. Wizards of the Coast has announced that they’re creating a sourcebook based on the popular adventuring company. From the announcement: No, it’s not a joke. Dungeons & Dragons is publishing a book made in partnership with Penny Arcade that…

Monte Cook running Arcana of the Ancients Science-Fantasy Setting Book Kickstarter
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Monte Cook running Arcana of the Ancients Science-Fantasy Setting Book Kickstarter

Monte Cook Games is looking to bring some giant robots to your fantasy RPG games, and I’m 100% ok with that. They’re running a Kickstarter for Arcana of the Ancients, a science-fantasy book in the style of Numenera, over to 5th Edition. From the campaign: In the misty recesses of time, before the kingdoms and…

Roll20 Adds Charactermancer Character-Building Helper

Roll20 Adds Charactermancer Character-Building Helper

When you want to play in an RPG, you’ve gotta start with your character. That’s the foundation of what else will come later. But… not everyone has the ability to make a character on their own. There’s tons of different options and choices and such. It can get you lost very easily. That’s where Roll20…