WARSURGE Universal Miniatures Rules Up On Kickstarter
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WARSURGE Universal Miniatures Rules Up On Kickstarter

Sci-fi, fantasy, steampunk, alternate history, historical (with the myriad of forms that can take). With so many varieties of minis styles, that means learning a lot of different rules, right? WRONG! That’s where WARSURGE comes in. It’s a universal miniatures game set of rules and it’s up on Kickstarter now. From the campaign: WARSURGE is…

Games Workshop Previews Hunters of Huanchi for Warcry
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Games Workshop Previews Hunters of Huanchi for Warcry

The new box set coming for Warcry includes one of my favorite factions: Lizardmen… well, as they were formerly called, anyway. They’re the Seraphon now. In this preview, we get a look at some of their forces with a preview of the Hunters of Huanchi. From the article: The cold-blooded guardians that watch over the…

New Pathfinder and Starfinder Releases Available From Paizo
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New Pathfinder and Starfinder Releases Available From Paizo

27 . That’s the number of releases from Paizo this month. Starfinder. Pathfinder. Both have epic releases coming back to tabletops. Special editions of books. Accessories. Map packs. There’s over two dozen things to check out. So… yeah… Go have a look-see. From the post: With 27 new Starfinder and Pathfinder roleplaying game products being…

Paizo Taking Pre-orders for Kingmaker Adventure Path
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Paizo Taking Pre-orders for Kingmaker Adventure Path

“But I already have Kingmaker” you say. And yes, you may have the first edition, but what about the second edition? And what’s more, this book is more than just the Pathfinder version. There’s also the Dungeons & Dragons version of it in there. So, if your group’s playing either of the two most popular…

Print Version of Wicked Ones and Undead Awakening Up On Kickstarter
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Print Version of Wicked Ones and Undead Awakening Up On Kickstarter

The folks over at Bandit Camp had a real hit on their hands when they ran the original Kickstarter campaign for Wicked Ones. But the game was all digital and people wanted a physical copy of it for themselves. And that’s what we have here. But more than just some printed-out pages, Bandit’s gone for…

Games Workshop Previews Skullgrinder Herax for Warhammer Underworlds
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Games Workshop Previews Skullgrinder Herax for Warhammer Underworlds

It’s not just 40k that’s getting the Khorne previews from Games Workshop. Warhammer Underworlds: Nethermaze is getting its own preview as well with a look at Skullgrinder Herax. Get a look at his mini and some of his cards in this preview. From the article: It’s 8/8, so it’s Khorne Day here on warhammer-community.com! If…

GCT Studios Previews Inari’s Judgement for Bushido
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GCT Studios Previews Inari’s Judgement for Bushido

Bushido is getting itself a new faction this upcoming weekend as Inari’s Judgement is making its way to tabletops. Those at Gen Con will be able to pick them up directly from GCT at the show while the rest of us can still order the sets online during the weekend. From the post: With GenCon…

Empire of Dust Shipping Update from Mantic Games
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Empire of Dust Shipping Update from Mantic Games

There’s a heatwave going on in Britain right now. That means that resin isn’t quite setting the way it should over in Mantic’s warehouse. As such, the initial wave of Empire of Dust figures is a little delayed. But Mantic’s giving us a heads-up, as well as what we can expect in the next month…