Games Workshop Previews Aspect Warriors for 40k
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Games Workshop Previews Aspect Warriors for 40k

Aspect Warriors are the elites of the Aeldari army. We’ve seen some of the Dark Reapers and their leader Maugan Ra, but that’s just one of the numerous groups that exist. We get a much more general look of how these warriors are getting updated in the new Aeldari codex, coming soon. From the article:…

The Shadow of the Sorcerer Adventure for Conan RPG Available to Pre-Order
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The Shadow of the Sorcerer Adventure for Conan RPG Available to Pre-Order

If you’re looking for a truly epic campaign to match the truly epic setting and characters in your Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of, then you’ll want to get your name down on the list to get The Shadow of the Sorcerer. It’s a new adventure coming for the game and it’s got quite…

Games Workshop Announces Price Hikes
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Games Workshop Announces Price Hikes

Times have been tough for a couple years now. The price of everything is going up. I know my bills have been more expensive lately. Unfortunately, that’s going to move to my hobbies as well. Games Workshop has announced some price increases for some of their products. From the article: You can hardly pick up…

Corvus Belli Previews The Hungries for Infinity
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Corvus Belli Previews The Hungries for Infinity

The Hungries. No, it’s not what people call me around mealtime (though it would be appropriate). They’re new figures coming for Infinity. Get a look at them in this preview from Corvus Belli. From the article: The Hungries are light combat operatives, representatives of some bastard race the EI found in on a long-forgotten planet….

Renegade Game Studios Releases New Monster for Power Rangers RPG
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Renegade Game Studios Releases New Monster for Power Rangers RPG

Renegade Game Studios is celebrating Power Rangers Month this February. They’re going to have lots of regular things coming out, including a new monster stat block for the Power Rangers RPG each Monday. While yesterday wasn’t technically February, they decided to go ahead and get started with Eye Guy. Head over and download is stats…

Steamforged Previews Dark Souls RPG
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Steamforged Previews Dark Souls RPG

Dark Souls fans will soon have a new way to… well… probably end up dead, if the series is anything to generally go on. Steamforged is working on a Dark Souls RPG and we get a look at the cover and just a few bits of info about it in this preview. From the website:…

Portal Games to Create Batman-Themed Detective Games
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Portal Games to Create Batman-Themed Detective Games

Along with things like The Dark Knight, Batman is also known as The World’s Greatest Detective. So, it seems only right that if there’s a game called Detective, there would be sets featuring the Caped Crusader. And that’s just what Portal Games is bringing you. They’ve announced a new line of Batman-themed Detective sets. From…

Across a Thousand Dead Worlds Sci-Fi RPG Up On Kickstarter
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Across a Thousand Dead Worlds Sci-Fi RPG Up On Kickstarter

Across a Thousand Dead Worlds is a new horror sci-fi RPG that’s up on Kickstarter. Create your crew and head out into the stars. But be careful, there’s a lot out there, and much of it is not friendly to human life. Head through and check out the campaign now. From the campaign: Across a…

Games Workshop Previews Vanguard Spearhead for 40k
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Games Workshop Previews Vanguard Spearhead for 40k

The upcoming Warhammer 40,000 Seasons book brings you a lot of supplements for the forces already in the game. In this preview, we get a look at the Vanguard Spearhead army of renown. See just what this new force is capable of in this preview. From the article: Warhammer 40,000 Seasons are almost upon us,…

New PDF Adventure Available for Dune RPG From Modiphius
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New PDF Adventure Available for Dune RPG From Modiphius

Modiphius has released a new adventure for Dune: Adventures in the Imperium. It’s called Time Become a Narrow Door. An heir of an allied house has gone missing and it’s up to the party to go find them. From the website: A debt owed. A missing heir. A new cult rising in the desert. Trapped…