New A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game Releases Available From CMON
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New A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game Releases Available From CMON

CMON is working through a big back-log of releases for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game that were delayed due to the pandemic. Those kits are now starting to hit tabletops, including two more this weekend in the form of the King’s Men and the She-Bears. From the article: The war…

The Compendium of Equestria PDF Now Available
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The Compendium of Equestria PDF Now Available

There’s an eternal debate about whether ebooks or actual books are better. Personally, I’m a fan of both. They each have their place. I like having a real book in my hand, but you can’t argue against having an entirely library in your pocket as well as the ease of navigating through it. With that…

Battlefront Taking Pre-Orders For Flames of War: Bagration: Axis-Allies Book
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Battlefront Taking Pre-Orders For Flames of War: Bagration: Axis-Allies Book

While the Russians and Germans were the main forces involved in the Bagration actions during WWII, they were hardly the only armies involved, Battlefront is expanding the Flames of War armies for this section with the release of Axis-Allies. Pre-orders for this new book are happening now. About the book: Background on the Finnish, Hungarian,…

Telltale RPG Campaign Setting Up On Kickstarter
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Telltale RPG Campaign Setting Up On Kickstarter

There’s a lot of fairy tales out there. You’ve probably read dozens. With Telltale, a new 5th edition D&D setting that’s up on Kickstarter now, you can head on into those tales and actually put your mark on the story yourself. From the campaign: Welcome to Tellatale! Tellatale is a new, complete campaign setting for…

Wizards of the Coast Introduces D&D Design Team
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Wizards of the Coast Introduces D&D Design Team

Dungeons & Dragons is a favorite RPG of mine and I’m sure many of you as well. But who are the people that make the game we love so much? Well, in this, the first in a series of articles, WotC introduces us to the design team and gives us a little more information about…

WizKids Announces Silver Age Format for HeroClix
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WizKids Announces Silver Age Format for HeroClix

Occasionally, sets in HeroClix get rotated out, meaning they’re no longer valid to use in regular organized play. But what happens to all those figures that rotate out? Some get still used in a format called Golden Age, but WizKids has created a new format called Silver Age that will also help with these not-Modern…

Privateer Press Previews July Releases
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Privateer Press Previews July Releases

Get me a jury and show me how you can say, “in July” and I’ll… make cheese for you. Anyway, in July, Privateer Press will be releasing some new Monsterpocalypse and Warcaster kits. You can get a look at them here. The Aeroliths are complex mechanika drones deployed alongside the Empyreans’ Saber squads. The robotic…

New Word Bearers Available to Order from Forge World
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New Word Bearers Available to Order from Forge World

Forge World has a pair of new Word Bearers minis available for you to order this week. They’re the Legion Terminator Praetor and the Legion Praetor. Head on over and get you some words From the announcement: Warlords and worshippers of the Dark Gods, Word Bearers Praetors are Lorgar’s right hand, the leaders of the…

Corvus Belli Previews Knight of Montesa For Infinity
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Corvus Belli Previews Knight of Montesa For Infinity

Corvus Belli is taking pre-orders for their Military Orders box set for Infinity. If you go and get your name on that pre-order list, you will also get exclusive minis. What exclusive minis? Glad you asked. Have yourselves a look-see. From the article: This exclusive box includes 2 miniatures: 1 mounted Knight of Montesa with…

Corvus Belli Looks Inside the Military Orders for Infinity
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Corvus Belli Looks Inside the Military Orders for Infinity

Corvus Belli has just started taking pre-orders for their new Military Orders for Infinity. These armed segments of the church have been in development for a bit. In this article, Corvus Belli gives us a look into how they came about and the issues trying to get them to your tabletops. From the article: Military…